Reporting gains and losses
Updated over a week ago

Got capital gains and losses? Here’s how to easily report them in april’s Filer.

If you have fewer than 1,000 transactions, you’ve got some flexibility: you can choose whether you’d like to enter each transaction or summarize them. If you’ve got more than 1,000 transactions, you’ll need to summarize them.

Entering transactions individually

  1. In april’s Filer, head to the "Income" section.

  2. Select "1099-B" to report your capital gains and losses.

  3. Enter up to 1,000 individual transactions.

Summarizing transactions

  1. In april’s Filer, head to the "Income" section.

  2. Select "1099-B" to report your capital gains and losses.

  3. Choose the option "Various dates" for the "Date sold" field.

  4. Enter a date in 2023 for the "Date sold" field.

  5. Enter the summarized values for your short-term gains and losses, and repeat for your long-term gains and losses.

After reporting capital gains and losses and submitting your return

  1. Download and complete IRS Form 8453 from

  2. On IRS Form 8453, check the box saying that you’re submitting Form 8949

  3. Download IRS Form 8949 from april as part of your tax return (IRS Form 1040)

  4. Print and mail these documents to the IRS:

  1. Completed IRS Form 8453

  2. Form 8949 with your summarized gains and losses

  3. Copies of any1099-B forms (the ones you used to enter the summarized values in april)

Note: Double-check the IRS instructions and consult a tax professional if you have any specific questions or concerns regarding your tax situation.

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